Do We Get Caught Up In The Details?

Often when I do health and fitness workshops, I get asked a lot of specific questions, like questions about what I consider to be very specific details of a healthy lifestyle.

Like what’s the best post workout snack?

I always answer these questions; however, I also state, “Really this shouldn’t be your first worry. Your main focus should be on getting your overall diet and exercise program into line.”

Many people get caught up in the details. It’s almost as if they want to make things more complicated so they don’t have to do them.

Or maybe it is just that they are searching for some secret and eating WHOLE NATURAL FOODS just doesn’t sound revolutionary enough.

But whatever it is, most people seem to want to MICROMANAGE their diet and exercise programs before they’ve even gotten the big stuff in line.

I’m sorry, but it just doesn’t work that way.

There is no use pouring over the details and worrying about what leafy green is better (kale or spinach) if you are still eating crap 80% of the time.

Get the basis of your diet (or exercise) program under control THEN worry about the details.

Eat whole natural foods.


It doesn’t have to be complicated! You don’t have to worry about all the details!

Focus on the big pieces and once those are in place then have FUN WITH THE DETAILS!

Here are some great articles to help you start fixing the BIG problems first:


Posted on May 4, 2014, in Conventional Wisdom - How I hate you, Diet and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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