Author Archives: Man Bicep

Pull Ups, Rows, Squats and Booty Building

Over the last few weeks, I’ve written some great posts on Redefining Strength covering the differences between Inverted Rows and Pull Ups as well as posts on Squat Variations and workouts to build and strengthen your glutes.

Here are some quick summaries of the articles as well as links if you are looking for something fun to read this weekend to help you change up your workouts next week! (Or well “fun” if you happen to be a fitness nerd haha)

1. Booty Burners – So I’m OBSESSED with glute activation and strengthening and toning your glutes. Weird? Maybe. But I personally believe they are the reason many of us suffer from pain and the reason many of us can’t lift as much as we would like. I also think “Heck yea..Who doesn’t want a freaking amazing ass!?!”


Anyway, I love glute work. And I think it is super important. Active glutes are strong glutes. They are sexy glutes. And they help make sure that the correct muscles are working so that muscles that can’t handle the load, like your hips and low back, don’t take over and get injured.

That is why I created Booty Burner Workouts. These workouts activate, strength and tone your glutes. And the best part is they are quick and easy and you can do them easily at home.

So if you happen to like working those butt cheeks, check out this Booty Burner Workout post.

2. The Pull Up vs. The Inverted Row – I was talking to a new trainer about pulling and pushing in different planes of motion and we got into discussing the difference between Horizontal Pulls and Vertical Pulls. This lead to us discussing the differences between Pull Ups (vertical pull) and Inverted Rows (horizontal pull).

the pull up vs. the inverted row

But not only did we discuss the differences. We also discussed how Inverted Rows can be used to build your Pull Ups even though they are a horizontal pull instead of a vertical pull.

Click here for more information about each move and some fun Inverted Row and Pull Up Variations!

3. Squat Variations – Squats are a great compound exercise to work your legs and core. But as much as even I love heavy barbell back squats, they can get a bit boring. Plus sometimes you have specific things/muscles you want to target, but you don’t necessarily want to skip your squat day.

That is why it is important to mix up the type of squat you do.


Want to work your core more? Try a front-loaded squat.

Want to build core stability? Try a unilaterally loaded squat.

Want to correct imbalances, work each leg independently and even improve your balance and core strength? Try a Single Leg Squat.

Want to target your inner thighs more? Want to target your glutes more? Want to get your heart rate up?


Here are 30 Squat Variations to check out.

Hope everyone had a great week!

Do you use any of these moves? What are your workout plans for next week!?!

Reflections on the Redefining Strength 1 Year Anniversary

One year ago today, I officially opened my in-person training facility Redefining Strength in Costa Mesa.

redefining strength

I’m not a sappy person, but events like this do get me reflecting on all of the hard work and amazing support I’ve had, not only over the last year, but also throughout the years, to help me get to where I am today.

It has also gotten me thinking about my start in the industry and about my future, and the future of all my endeavors.

Many of you may have noticed Man Bicep hasn’t been updated in FOREVER…Especially considering when I first started, I posted almost every day.

And it saddens me sometimes to think that where I started isn’t as much a part of me anymore.

When I first started Man Bicep, I thought that name was the best thing ever. I thought it would be my brand.

And while Man Bicep is still a name near and dear to my heart, it has to undergo a shift to be a part of my future…A part of the Redefining Strength brand.

So from now on Man Bicep is going to be a great place to find out about all of the happenings going on at Redefining Strength and on my new personal blog.


I will still provide you with great exercise and diet information, it will just be reposted from my new ventures because I don’t fully want to let go of where I started, but I also know that I need to keep moving forward constantly and put my time and energy into the new ventures.

While I owe a lot of my success to what I learned from writing Man Bicep for 3 years before I started Redefining Strength, I also owe a lot to all of the wonderful people who supported me along the journey to this 1 year Anniversary of Redefining Strength.

Because as much as you need to be independent and learn things for yourself, you also need to have a good support network and not be afraid to reach out to others in the industry for advice.

And I’ve been fortunate enough to find support not only in my personal life, but also in the industry.

I could write a whole article thanking my mom and sister for their love and support. For making me the strong independent woman I am today.

I could also write a whole article thanking Ryan for all that he has done to help and support me over the past 8 years because his love and support (and knowledge) have been a huge factor in getting me to where I am today. I could thank him for supporting me when I wanted to make a drastic life change. For supporting me when I wanted to take big risks. For supporting me and loving me while I walked around our house ranting and crying and raving because I was so stressed/excited/scared/overwhelmed by how to proceed. For staying up with me when I needed to crank out work to 2:30 in the morning and then get back up to work more at 6:00 am. Let’s just say, I have a lot to thank him for….(even for making this panorama in photoshop)


But today I don’t so much want to focus on all of the personal support, but the industry support because I think, all too often, people in the fitness industry get too isolated and too fearful to reach out.

They don’t want others stealing their ideas or taking away their business. So they shut down and close themselves off and treat everyone like competition.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. And I’ve been fortunate enough to encounter some amazing people in all facets of the industry.

I had great strength and conditioning coaches in college. Brad and Lauren fueled my passion and got me training and working hard. They really started me down this path, teaching me basic form and expanding my view of fitness.

It’s crazy to me, thinking back now, on how many things I learned from them that I now use. How their coaching styles influenced the coach I’ve become. How their putting up with my sometimes over-emotional self, helped me really grow. So thank you Brad and Lauren for being amazing coaches that helped start me down this path and made my college tennis career a success.

I must also say another huge thank you to Brad because just a month or so ago he reached out to me and told me how proud he was of me. He didn’t have to. But he did because he is a great coach. And it meant the world. Things like that keep you going and even motivate you to work harder.

Next I have to say thank you to the man who gave me my first fitness job – Dave.

And while I say he gave me my first job, he did so much more than that.

Dave took a chance on someone with no experience. He gave me my start. And then he allowed me to work in almost every area of the fitness industry. For Dave, I worked as a Customer Service Rep then he took a chance on me and made me Sales Manager.

He recognized my potential and quickly then promoted me to Assistance Manger of the club.

And when I said I wanted to get certified to train. He told me he’d let me train if I got certified. He taught and encouraged me.

And he constantly pushed me to go outside my comfort zone.

Before I was officially training, we had a Cycling instructor no-show and I showed a little interest in teaching. I’d only take Cycling a few times, but Dave told me to jump in and try teaching.

I was nervous but I did it. And honestly, the rest is history. From then on I was ready to coach. I started teaching classes and even subbed for teachers with classes I’d never taught before (I can say though I’m not a very good yoga or pilates teacher…I’m more drill sergeant than calm relaxing instructor.)

But the fact is he got me learning. He promoted my passion and encouraged me to love working. To see my job as more than a job.

And Dave helped me grow up…A LOT. (Although I’m not sure that is the proper picture to put after that statement haha)

dave and me

I’m a very passionate person, which can be a great thing. However, for me passion can also be a double-edged sword.

That also means I can take things very personally and sometimes overreact. I’ve gotten better but am still far from perfect. But I realized this flaw and started working through it because of Dave.

Not many bosses would put up with you yelling back at them about a management issue or becoming overly passionate at work. Not many bosses would then calmly take you into their office and sit you down and discuss how you really need to handle things.

Most bosses wouldn’t take the time to teach you. Or to help you grow so that you could at some point take their job. Dave recognized talent and knew what it took to keep good employees…That is what makes him a great boss and a very successful person.

And I’m sorry to say most bosses aren’t like Dave. But if you happen to be lucky enough to work for someone like Dave, make sure you take advantage.

Dave helped me grow and I credit my ability to do 50 things at once and handle them with passion, but less over-emotional reactions because of Dave. So thank you Dave!

At the same time I worked for Dave, I worked for a company called Bodyscapes Fitness which is owned by Rob and Alan.

I only worked for BodyScapes for one year after they acquired the gym I worked at from another large company.

But when I was thinking about opening up Redefining Strength, I reached out to Alan. I honestly didn’t expect him to respond. He owned a huge chain of gyms and I had barely worked for them.

Why would he respond!?!

But he did…Almost immediately. And he answered all of my questions. And went above and beyond.

Here was this guy who could have blown me off and it would never have affected him. But he took the time to respond and help and offer advice.

It is rare to find such wonderful and helpful people. People who will help you out even though it doesn’t benefit them at all.

Alan inspired me. He showed me the type of person I wanted to be if anyone came to me asking for advice or help.

It’s funny because the other day I had a client mention that a friend’s daughter was interested in getting in to training. I told her to give the daughter my number and email and that I would answer any questions she had and even meet with her.

She responded back asking me what I would charge and then why I wouldn’t charge the girl.

And it made me think back to Alan helping me.

It’s because we are passionate about what we do. Because we can see potential in other people and want them to succeed.

So thank you Alan!

I would also like to say a big thank you to three trainers out here in Cali who treated me like a friend after meeting me once…who offered advice even when they barely knew me – Eric, Rik and Melody.

I met these three at a Steel, Stone and Sugar workshop they ran at Eric’s gym in Long Beach – Long Beach Kettlebell Club.

Not only did I grow as a trainer from working with them at that workshop, but from that one workshop, I made connections with people who have supported me over the past year.

When I was looking for a little advice about equipment and studio stuff, I messaged Melody. She had met me ONCE and she responded instantly and gave me great advice. She didn’t hold back afraid I would take her secrets. Instead she went above and beyond.

And Eric and Rik did the same. They both even came out to celebrate my success opening the gym by even attending the Grand Opening. They came out to support me, which had no benefit for them.

rik and eric

They are super passionate and great trainers and business owners and they came out to celebrate the opening of my small place. To support a fellow trainer.

And from that, a great friendship has grown. Eric has come and trained with me to support my business. And I couldn’t be happier to go watch him and his success at the Kettlebell competitions (not only his personal success competing, but also the success of all of his athletes).

Those three are great people with a passion for fitness that want to share that passion with everyone. They don’t hold back secrets afraid you’re going to steal from them. They are open and kind and that is truly what makes them not only wonderful, but so successful.

So thank you Eric, Melody and Rik. You three are amazing.

Ok so I know I’ve rambled on and I could say thank you to a bazillion more people…

I could thank Bobbi, a fellow badass female trainer who puts up with my busy schedule and meets with me so I can ramble and sort out new programs and ideas. Thank you Bobbi!

I could thank Nick, a trainer I worked with at BodyScapes, for telling me I wasn’t horrible and that I would learn (yes, there was a point when I was insecure…Seems like a different lifetime, but…haha). Nick taught me one of the most valuable lessons I would learn…That there are a ton of opinions in the fitness industry and that someone is always going to think you are wrong. True and something you have to realize and just pick the research and methodology you feel is best.

I could also thank, Max Shank…Your workshop made me a more thoughtful trainer and shifted my thinking about fitness and play.

I could even thank Charlotte and Caitlin, although not fitness industry per say, they were two bloggers that played a huge roll in the development of my online business. So thank you two strong ladies!

Anyway, I will ramble on if I don’t cut myself off.

But one final thank you…A thank you to all of my clients who inspire me every single day. I do this because of you. I love what I do because of you.

You all help me grow and learn and keep me coming back for more. I sincerely love you all and would give you all hugs expect I hate hugs.


So to end this slightly sappy, but hopefully also slightly informative post, I would like to say thank you. Thank you all for making this first year of Redefining Strength more successful than I could have ever imagined or hoped for.

I foresee great things ahead and can’t wait to see what my reflection looks like on 7/1/2016!

When You Need Something Quick On The Go

So I’m a big proponent of eating whole foods over any sort of meal replacement.

But I also recognize that convenience is key to consistency and sticking with a healthy diet long term.

That is why I think that Protein Shakes can be a great quick snack or, every so often, a meal replacement.

While whole natural foods are always better, a Protein Shake can provide you with the protein and energy you need quickly on the go to fuel your workouts and help you build muscle and burn fat.

Below is my FAVORITE quick, healthy protein shake. I don’t have to make anything. I simply dumb ingredients into my shaker and go. It is a great pick-me-up and can even boost my energy for workouts on days when I’m dragging.

It can even be a quick breakfast when I’m short on time and have to drink something as I coach.

And the crazy part is, I’m not even a coffee/espresso lover and I’m addicted to this.

So what is my favorite… GO-TO Protein Shake – The White Chocolate Americano 

So if you have an espresso machine at home, you can make this from scratch. I’ve also made a variation of this shake with the Cold-Brew Coffee Concentrate from Trader Joe’s.

Both work well as long as you refrigerate the coffee or espresso and add water and ice to the shake.

When I’m being even lazier, I simply go to a coffee shop…In my case, Starbucks.

Below is my recipe, which would honestly work with a variety of Protein flavors. I’ve used Vanilla, Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chocolate, Cappuccino…All can work.

Although my favorite is definitely the White Chocolate.

The White Chocolate Coconut Americano


(It’s a great way to refuel after my workout when I have to get right back to work!)

12oz Americano (espresso and water or Cold-Brew Coffee Concentrate 4oz coffee, 8 oz water unless you want it stronger)
1 scoop White Chocolate Whey Protein Powder (I used Optimum Nutrition’s Gold Standard Whey)
1/4 cup Trader Joe’s Coconut Milk

Put everything in your shaker and shake then drink!

If you need an extra pick-me-up, you can even use 16oz of coffee or espresso!

What are your favorite quick Protein Shake Recipes? How do you eat healthy on the go?

Stick with It But Never Be Afraid to Adjust

I think too often now we jump from one thing to the next, searching for the next great thing to get us huge results. And if something doesn’t get us drastic results pretty instantly we don’t stick with it.

But what we also don’t realize is that drastic results usually mean drastic measures. And when we go to extremes, we generally can’t maintain those extremes for long.

What generally works best is creating a program that implements small changes we can stick with – small changes we can build on.

We want to create a program that leads to changes that start to get us results. And as those results build, we can make small adjustments to keep the momentum going or even help it build.

If you find something that works, stick with it. But realize that you can always make little adjustments to that program to make it better.

Even if those results start to slow that doesn’t mean you have to scrap the program completely. It may just mean its time to adjust.

When you make small changes, you give yourself time to allow them to become habits. And habits lead to lasting results.

Plus sometimes all you need is a small change to get the momentum going again. And if instead you just completely give up and switch programs, you may have to start all over. Not only are you unsure if the program will work, but it may take another 21 days to create the new habits and really settle in.

Also, making small changes allows you to track what is working. If you are constantly re-writing the entire program, it is hard to figure out what in each program truly created the results and changes you wanted.

So stop jumping from thing to thing or making drastic changes. Create a program and make adjustments.

And freaking give it time to work! Things don’t happen instantly! If your progress slows, then make small adjustments.

But STICK WITH SOMETHING and make SMALL CHANGES to that program. That is the way to get lasting results.

You want to keep things interesting and give yourself variety, but you don’t constantly have to be reinventing the wheel!

And on a side note:

If you are looking for 30 Suspension Trainer Moves and 5 Suspension Trainer Workouts or a great 9-Week Battle Ropes Workout Program, check out my two new courses!


Battling Ropes, Crawling and Low Back Pain

A few more articles to check out… (And then hopefully next week back to more regular posting!)

Ok first off, some DELICIOUS healthy Homemade Protein Bars – Vanilla Almond COFFEE Oatmeal Protein Bars. This are a great quick snack filled with protein. They are great for pre-workout as well not only because of the little bit of caffeine, but also because they have whey protein, a little fat and some carbs to energize your workouts!


Next…Battling Ropes! Check out these 22 Battling Ropes Moves and 5 Workouts to improve your strength and conditioning. Battling Ropes are a great way to improve your power and endurance. They are also a fun way to vary up your cardio routine!


Another great cardio option that requires absolutely no equipment and is also a great core workout is CRAWLING! Crawling is also great for everyone for the beginner to the advanced exerciser and can be done at home or out at the park. Try these 21 Crawling Exercises for a great core workout that will also get your heart rate up!


LOW BACK AND HIP PAIN – Chances are almost all of you have suffered from low back or hip pain at one time or another. Whether you sit at a desk, spend hours on your bike, had a baby or have simply injured your back in the past, this post will help you prevent and alleviate your low back and hip pain. Included are moves to help you loosen tight muscles, restore your mobility and strengthen your underactive muscles. The key to preventing low back and hip pain is to strengthen your core and get your abs and glutes firing properly so that your low back doesn’t take over and do work it can’t handle. Check out the exercises and tips in this post and start including some in your workout routine!


And last, but not least, check out my new Full-Body Suspension Trainer Workout Program (shameless plug!). The new video course has over 30 Suspension Trainer Moves to work your entire body as well as 5 great Suspension Trainer Workouts. WOOT WOOT!


Alleviate Aches And Pains And Grow Stronger With These Moves

Just a quick summary with some great posts you may enjoy.

Check out these posts with some great foam rolling, stretching, activation and strength training moves. Get stronger and prevent and alleviate your aches and pains! WOOT WOOT! Enjoy!!

1. Alleviate Neck Pain with these 10 Tips! – Stretch out your chest, lats and upper traps while activating the big muscles of your back to alleviate your neck, shoulder and upper back pain!


2. The World’s Greatest Stretch – Warm up and get everything loose with this single stretch.

3. 5 Mini Band Moves for a Full-Body Workout – The Mini Band is a great $3 piece of equipment and a must-have if you workout at home or travel. You can work your entire body and get your glute activated using these moves (and the mini band video course linked out to in this post!)


4. 13 Sandbag Exercises for a Full-Body Workout – The Sandbag is a great functional tool to develop great core strength. You can use it to work your entire body with these 13 moves.

5. Tips to Prevent and Alleviate Foot and Ankle Pain – Use these exercises to prevent and alleviate foot and ankle pain. Your feet and ankles are your foundation. Pain and injury there can cause problems further up your body so take care of your base!

6. Dealing with Knee Pain – Here are some great tips to strengthen your legs and alleviate your knee pain. Follow these four steps to prevent knee pain – foam roll, stretch, activate and strengthen!


7. Sled Workouts – Try these sled moves and sled variations. The Sled is a great way to strengthen your legs (actually your entire body) while also improving your cardio.


Finding The Love

There are lots of reasons why people start working out and eating better, but there is only one reason why they will stick with a program in the long run – LOVE.

Sounds weird to say “love” though doesn’t it? But that is exactly what happens.

You either fall in love with the routine and how you FEEL. Or maybe both.

Because, if you don’t enjoy and love your new habits, they aren’t going to stick.

The motivation of a big event, a New Year’s Resolution or even a doctor’s visit saying you need to get your ducks in a row is only fleeting unfortunately. Amazing that it is, but that motivation doesn’t last.

So if you don’t love or enjoy what you are doing, you aren’t going to stick with a healthy lifestyle in the long run. And the long run is what matters.

People always ask, “How long do I have to eat this way for results? How long do I have to continue to workout?”

And the answer is, “In some form or fashion…FOREVER.”

You don’t just eat differently for a few months and then go back to old habits. Or if you do, you are bound to end up right back where you started even if you initial got results.

Plus eating well and working out don’t have to be miserable…actually the SHOULDN’T be miserable.

You should find a balance that you enjoy and include foods and workout routines that you enjoy.

Being healthy doesn’t mean giving up everything you love to eat lettuce and spend hours in the gym…heck I hate lettuce….now cauliflower on the other hand…

Anyway, I guess my point is that you have to do things because you enjoy doing them or find a way to fall in love with the lifestyle.

Because the motivation to look better for an event is fleeting. Plus, honestly, while it can get you started, it isn’t very good motivation because you aren’t addressing the real issues of FEELING BETTER about yourself and becoming more confident.

Falling in love with the program and setting other goals is what makes you stick with the healthy habits long-term – it is what makes the process fun.

If you don’t enjoy the journey, you aren’t going to stick with your program very long.

And, as I mentioned above, the long-term is what leads to true results and you not only looking, but also feeling, the way you want to feel.

So stop looking for a short-term solution and figure out something you love that makes you feel good. Because that is what eating clean and working out should do – they should make you FEEL BETTER and be more confident.

Shoot…They can also, and SHOULD also, be FUN!

So how do you strike a balance? How have you made the process of working toward your goals fun? How did you fall in love with the lifestyle!?!

Are you ready to take a small step forward?

With a New Year, we start to consider all the things we would like to accomplish – all the drastic changes we would like to make.

We set these lofty goals and dream of all the things we can accomplish. Yet rarely do we actually breakdown our goals into achievable pieces and PLAN out how we are going to get there.

We seem to set New Year’s Resolutions with no actual plan to accomplish them.

And you may be thinking to yourself, “No…I always want to accomplish my New Years Resolutions.”

But stop and think about how often you actually consider HOW you are going to accomplish those goals. Usually you don’t. You just state or write down WHAT you want to accomplish and never really go any further than that.

Yes. You may be motivated and really want to reach your goals. But you aren’t setting yourself up to actually follow through if you don’t PLAN.

So on this first day of 2015 take time to not only write down your Resolutions, but also write down how you plan to accomplish them.

And break those plans down into bite-sized pieces. Give yourself SMALL STEPS you can take right away.

Don’t leave yourself with a huge goal that you don’t know how to start – that may even seem so daunting that you don’t know where to start so end up never moving forward.

Break it down and give yourself small manageable tasks to do that will add up to big results and help you get the momentum going.

Remember, even a small step forward is a step forward. And consistent progress in the right direction adds up!

So write down your New Year’s Resolutions and PLAN out how you will reach those goals.

Happy New Year and what small step forward are you planning to take in 2015 to achieve your Resolutions!?!

A Ton Of New Exercises To Try

Here is another round up of some of the posts I’ve done on Redefining Strength. Some of these are MUST-DO MOVES while others are just some fun exercises to include to mix up your workouts in the New Year.

1. A Suspension Trainer is a great piece of home/travel workout equipment if you are willing to spend a bit more money. My personal favorite is the Jungle Gym XT because of the individual straps and nice foot cradle. Here are 10 Upper Body Suspension Trainer Moves.


2. Have you ever used the Landmine? The Landmine is an often underutilized tool at the gym, but a great way to strengthen your entire core. Try these 13 Landmine Moves and get in a great full-body workout using the Landmine at your gym!


3. The PLANK. The Plank is a great exercise to strengthen your core after sitting at a desk all day. It is a must-do move if you suffer from low back pain. However, while the Plank looks easy, there is actually a lot of “form” involved in getting the most out of this move. Check out this post on Plank Form (and some fun variations!).


4. Want to make your workouts more fun? Maybe you should try including Monkey Bar Exercises in your routine. Plus they are a great way to get in a workout while spending some time in the sun. Try these 9 Monkey Bar Moves and strengthen your grip, back, lats and core!


5. If you are taking on the December Glute Challenge, you may want to try some of these fun Glute Bridge Variations. Even if you aren’t doing the challenge, you need to include a few of these Bridges in your workout routine. Bridges are a great way to counteract the effects of sitting all day at a desk. They activate your glutes and open up your hips! Check out these 20 Glute Bridge Variations.


6. If you want to become more coordinated and move better in every day life, you need to improve your mind-body connection. And you can improve your mind-body connection through Agility Ladder Drills. Agility Ladder Drills force you to learn a new movement and do it as quickly as possible. Learning a new movement and then forcing yourself to repeat it as quickly as possible improves your mind-body connection. It teaches your mind to recruit the proper muscles as quickly as possible, which helps you not only move well but also react quickly – both of which are important to moving better in every day life! Try these 30 Agility Ladder Drills!


Do you ask yourself “Where do I feel this?”

I think one of the most important questions we can ask ourselves when doing exercises is – “Where do I feel this?”

Because even if we have perfect form, we may not be activating the correct muscles.

Activation requires us sometimes to actually concentrate on getting the muscles working.

So when you do glute bridges, don’t just go through the motions….Think about squeezing your glutes and make sure to concentrate extra hard on getting them to work.

This focus on the muscles working improves our mind-body connection and makes sure we get the most out of the movement and don’t just go through the motions.

And not only does asking ourselves, “Where do I feel this” get us to make sure the correct muscles are activating, but it also allows us to know if we are doing a movement correctly.

If you don’t have a mirror to check your form, but you feel the correct muscles working, you are most likely doing the movement correctly.

So by asking yourself where you feel the move, you are making sure your form is correct and that the correct muscles are working.

You may even find that sometimes, even though you have the correct form, the correct muscles AREN’T actually working.

For example, glute bridges…Bridge up off the ground extending your hips. This could look correct, but that doesn’t mean your butt is actually activating. It could look right, but you could actually be loading only your hamstrings or low back.

The question is what are you working? Where do you feel it? When is the last time you thought about it? Or do you just usually think about bridging up as high as you can?

Height doesn’t matter. Feeling it in your glutes and consciously squeezing them as hard as possible is what matters.

So right now, try the glute bridge. Where do you feel it? Are you actually working the correct muscles?

No? Maybe adjust where your feet are. Try not to bridge up as high. Concentrate on squeezing your glutes. FEEL the move in the correct muscles!

By asking yourself where you feel it, you will get more out of your workouts.

And all of you trainers out there…You need to not only ask yourself this question so you can better coach moves, but you also need to ask your clients where they feel movements.

It will improve their mind-body connection and allow them to know if they are doing moves correctly when you aren’t there. It will get them even better results and improve their coordination.


So stop going through the motions and concentrate on where you feel movements. It will improve your body awareness and make your stronger and more coordinated!

P.S. If you are doing the glute challenge, you may want to try these 20 Glute Bridge Variations!
