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Starbucks Diet…

So some woman lost weight doing a “Starbucks diet.”


Someone also lost weight eating Subway while another person lost weight eating only fast food.

Basically you can “lose weight” eating just about any old crap. I mean heck I could even go eat only M&Ms and frozen yogurt and even lose weight.

Losing weight on the scale is all about calories in vs. calories out. If you take in fewer calories than you consume no matter where those calories are from, you will lose weight.

BUT that doesn’t mean that you have good body composition OR are healthy.

Weight lost on the scale doesn’t mean instant good health and the body composition of your dreams!

Losing weight is easy.

Losing fat and being healthy is the difficult part.

I hate all of these articles about these fad diets because they make people associate losing weight to be “skinny” on the scale with health. When in reality, the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand.

I know many people hate the term “skinny-fat” but that is really what you become if you eat crap but maintain a weight that says you are skinny by BMI standards.


Health means eating the right stuff day in and day out regardless of what the stupid dang scale (that you should have thrown out the window by now) says.

AND if you eat the RIGHT FOODS day in and day out you will also be able to achieve optimum body composition if that is what your goal is.

Anyway, if you just want to “lose weight” go eat whatever you want.

If you actually want to be HEALTHY and change your BODY COMPOSITION, let’s talk about eating whole, natural foods and cutting out the processed, sugary crap.

So think twice before you start that fad diet…Think about whether or not “losing weight” is TRULY your goal…

Why would you want to lift heavy?

So last night I met with one of my clients, Juliana, who also does my lifting class.

Juliana has gotten super into the lifting and has grown by leaps and bounds. Her movement patterns have improved and she is now lifting human beings! 🙂

She seems to enjoy the lifting and seems to like the way she looks!

But then this week, a situation that has happened to almost all of us female lifters, occurred. It is a conversation that can scare off many beginning female lifters.

The “you don’t want to get bulky do you” conversation. Juliana had two people start-up that conversation.

Luckily I didn’t even have to convince her that they were wrong! She already knew what she was doing was right!

Lifting heavy won’t make you bulky people!!!!! COME ON!

Having extra fat is what makes you “bulky.” Eating crap so that you have bad body composition is what makes you “bulky.”

Not leaned toned muscle mass!

I’ve gained about 17 pounds in the last two years. I still wear the same clothes I wore when I was 17 pounds lighter. Actually some don’t fit as well now because I’ve shrunk in certain areas…like my waist. I’ve shrunk because I’ve lost FAT. I haven’t become any bigger by adding muscle because I cut off the fat that was previously holding its spot!

If you don’t believe me because you know I’m biased, take a look at this Women’s Health Magazine article! Mainstream media even agrees that lifting heavy is good for you! (Of course as I go to post this and click on their link from Facebook it says “Page not found”….Maybe I shouldn’t yet think so highly of mainstream media!)

BUT here is a quote from what was up there.

Lift Heavier Weights! A recent study showed that women who lifted a challenging weight for eight reps burned nearly twice as many calories as women who knocked out 15 reps with lighter dumbbells.

See burn more fat and look LESS bulky by lifting heavy weights!

The Man Bicep Diet – 2 month update

I’m not a fan of taking photos. I don’t usually like how I look in photos and I avoid being in as many photos as possible.

BUT photos are really the best way to prove that your diet is working. Therefore, I spent a few hours this morning taking some fitness photos to show the results I got from the first 2 months of the Man Bicep diet. I’m a bit nervous to show them but I know this is key to proving just how right I am! 😉

I started this diet on January 1st with the intention of cutting off that last little bit of fat and being able to keep it off while still being able to get stronger!

So far I’m very happy with the results! The first two months were meant to really kick-start my fat lose.

The next phase of my diet starts on March 1st and it is more of a maintenance phase than the first one; however, during the next couple of months I will continue to lose fat while gaining strength and muscle until I reach the exact body composition I want!

And if my photos inspired you, here are more recipes from the Man Bicep Recipe Box to help you reach your goals!

Pull ups...they do a body good!

We can't just look good...we also have to kick some butt!